At Princeton, an unwavering commitment to world-class research and groundbreaking education unites visionaries across career paths and disciplines. Our world-class scholars are engaged with and accessible to students and are devoted to the thorough integration of teaching and research. The University strives for the highest levels of quality in research and education and for significant and lasting impact in pursuing its mission of service to the nation and humanity. Thank you for your interest in joining Princeton University's faculty and research community! Explore Academic Careers Connect with Academic Units All recruitment for faculty and academic professionals (including lecturers, professional researchers and postdocs, professional specialists, and professional librarians) is managed by individual departments and programs, the Art Museum, or the University Library. Explore the Directory of Academic Units, Chairs, Managers, and Program Directors for additional details and contact information. For non-academic staff positions, please visit Princeton Careers.Hiring managers and application administrators/reviewers should log in to the system.