f. Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal
The Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal consists of nine members of the Faculty, of whom three are elected by the Faculty each year to serve for a term of three years. The election slate shall be adjusted each year so that the membership of the Committee always consists of at least six tenured and two non-tenured members of the Faculty. Voting shall be by the system of the alternative vote or single transferable vote, as appropriate. The Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy appoints one from among the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal’s membership to serve as chair for one year. The Committee’s procedures and requirements for quorum are provided in the Guidelines for the Conduct of Inquiries by the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal, included with these Rules as Appendix C.
If a case arises involving the dismissal or the suspension of a member of the Faculty, or any question of unfair treatment in relation to the appointment, reappointment, or academic duties or privileges of a member of the Faculty or anyone to whom an offer of a Faculty appointment has been made, the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal may be called upon to act as a board of review as provided for by the Minutes of the Board of Trustees on 15 June 1918, 19 April 1951, 15 June 1959, and 2 June 2014. (See Sections IV.P.1 and IV.P.2.)
Because the Committee serves principally as a board of review, it may not be called upon to hear or adjudicate in the first instance cases involving alleged violations of rules, or alleged professional misconduct, by members of the Faculty. Where such cases do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Judicial Committee of the Council of the Princeton University Community or another University body specifically identified in these Rules or Other University policy applicable to the Faculty, they shall ordinarily be decided in the first instance by appropriate administrative officers (the President or the Dean of the Faculty) with such advisory assistance as the administrative officers in question deem appropriate.
Procedure in cases of dismissal, suspension, and unfair treatment is outlined in Section IV.P. In other cases, appeal may be made directly to the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal by individuals directly affected; a statement of grievance shall be made in writing and a copy submitted to the Dean of the Faculty.
Also among the duties of the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal is the following as described in the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees: The Faculty shall appoint certain of its members as a standing committee, who shall attend a conference with the Trustees’ Committee on Academic Affairs, as necessary, upon the call of the Chair of the said Faculty committee or the Chair of the Committee on Academic Affairs, or shall attend a conference with another standing or ad hoc Trustee committee, as necessary, upon the call of the President of the Chair of the Board, to consider such subjects as may be presented involving both administrative and educational matters.