H. Appointment and Advancement of Instructors
1. All proposals for appointment, reappointment or advancement in rank or salary of Instructors shall be made in writing by the Chair of the department concerned and sent to the Dean of the Faculty for transmission to the President. Proposals for appointment, reappointment or advancement in rank or salary of full-time Instructors shall normally be made only after formal consultation (a formal vote taken at a meeting) with the tenured members having full or joint appointment in the department. Those proposals concerned with part-time Instructors may be made by the Chair without formal consultation with the department.
2. Instructors are appointed for a period of one year. An Instructor in the third year of appointment shall be notified before March fifteenth of the department’s intention to recommend promotion to Assistant Professor at that time, or within one year subject to specific conditions. Otherwise an appointment for a fourth year as an Instructor shall be considered terminal.
3. In recommending Instructors for further appointment, departments, without being bound by any rule of equivalence, shall take into account prior service at other academic institutions.
4. In recommending an Instructor for advancement in rank or salary, or for further appointment, departments shall make the quality of scholarship and teaching primary considerations and service to the University community an important consideration.