Clear policies guide compensation, including guidance related to summer employment and outside consulting or teaching. Working with our campus partners, we aim to create clear, streamlined guidance to help you manage compensation-related matters. We invite you to reach out for assistance should you have a specific question. Compensation Highlights Paychecks: Salaries for monthly employees are paid at the end of each month. Direct deposit: Arrangements may be made with the Office of Finance and Treasury. Deductions: Address questions about deductions or changes, including for income tax, to the Payroll Department within the Office of Finance and Treasury. Nonresident tax and withholding: Address questions to [email protected]. Faculty Pay Schedule Elections Each spring, you may review and change your pay schedule election via HR Self Service. Visit our Faculty Pay Schedule Elections page for an overview of your options. Useful Guidance Relation of Compensation to Duty Assignment It is the long-established policy of the University that a faculty member’s base salary covers compensation for all duties performed during the academic year (encompassing nine months from September to May), whether in teaching, research, or administration. Changes in duty assignment do not, therefore, alter a full-time faculty member's base salary. Exceptions to this policy are made in the form of overrides (and not as an adjustment to base salary) only for participation as an underclass academic adviser, service as chair or director of an academic department or program, and in other special cases, such as participation in lecture or conference programs not part of the regular University curriculum, which must be authorized by the dean of the faculty. Summer Employment Faculty receiving summer salaries are paid at a rate of one-ninth of the academic-year base salary per month. For purposes of summer salary, base salary does not include overrides or other payments for duties listed as exceptions in Relation of Compensation to Duty Assignment. Payment for summer salary does not normally exceed two months' duration. University policy permits the payment of summer salary for up to 2.5 months, provided that any salary beyond two months is derived from outside sources (G0001 and G0002 fund codes). Requests for summer salary beyond two months must include a statement that no vacation will be taken during this time. Summer salary may be earned in the three month period from June through August, and summer salary payments are made at the end of June, July and August. Summer employment must be authorized each year, in advance, through procedures established by the dean of the faculty. Outside Consulting and Teaching The University has established rules and guidelines with respect to teaching and consulting outside the University. For more specific information, please contact your departmental chair or the Office of the Dean of the Faculty.