Faculty Pay Schedule Elections

Flexible options offer choice in how your salary is distributed during the academic year.

Each spring, tenured and tenure-track faculty have the opportunity to review and change their pay schedule election through a new tile on the HR Self Service website. The election site is open for approximately three weeks, in which time faculty may make as many changes as they wish. However, once the election period ends, faculty are locked into their selected pay schedule and are unable to make any changes until the following year. Tenured and tenure-track faculty who do not submit an election during this period will automatically default to their existing pay schedule. For example, faculty who previously selected a 12-month pay schedule (paychecks from July through June), will continue to receive their pay over 12 months unless a new election is made.

An email notification is sent to all eligible tenured and tenure-track faculty when the pay schedule site opens for an academic year.

Eligibility by Rank

Pay Schedule Options

Faculty may spread their academic year salary over 9, 10, or 12 months. It is important to note that the total amount of your academic year salary will not change, only the timing of disbursement. 

9-Month Pay Schedule

Faculty selecting a 9-month schedule will receive their academic year salary over the academic year (September through May). No payments during June, July and August. 

A 9-month pay schedule is disbursed September through May

10-Month Pay Schedule

Faculty selecting a 10-month schedule will receive their academic year salary over 10 months (September through June). No payments during July and August.

A 10-month pay schedule is disbursed September through June

12-Month Pay Schedule

Faculty selecting a 12-month schedule will receive their academic year salary over 12 months (July through June). 

A 12-month pay schedule is disbursed July through June

Summer Salary

If you receive a summer salary, you may continue to do so regardless of the pay schedule chosen. Summer salary may be earned during the months of June, July and August. The maximum summer salary earning remains at 2.5 months, provided at least .5 months are earned from external sources.

Summer salary may be earned during the months of June, July and August

Benefits for Changing Faculty Pay Schedules

There are key benefits for allowing changes to the faculty pay schedule, especially in regards to the 12-month schedule:

  1. Faculty can choose not to have potential pay gaps in the summer.
  2. Faculty can have a regular cash flow, facilitating easier personal budgeting.
  3. Faculty will have the ability to have benefit deductions withheld evenly throughout the year.

Faculty who receive summer salary and choose the 9- or 10-month pay schedule will receive a smoother cash flow than if they choose the 12-month schedule. Please note that faculty who are on a one-semester leave will receive slightly different monthly pay amounts in the fall versus spring semester.
