Midyear Increase FAQs How do I know if I am appointed by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty (ODoF) or hired by Human Resources (HR)? You can refer to your annual salary increase letter, which is signed by either the Dean of the Faculty or the Vice President for Human Resources. The annual increase letter is available in HR Self Service under the “DOF Appt/Salary Letters” tile for ODoF appointees, or the “Compensation” tile for HR employees. What are the conditions of the economic market that justify the midyear salary increase? Positioning Princeton employee salaries relative to their respective markets remains our primary metric and guide. We have therefore studied closely the consequences of persistently high inflation, which has lasted longer and at higher rates than anticipated when we approved last year’s salary increases. Rather than waiting for the next regular salary increase cycle in July 2023, we are opting now to apply an off-cycle salary increase to assist employees. The midyear salary increase is an exceptional move for us, which supplements our commitment to an ongoing salary review process informed by performance merit and market competitiveness. What makes an ODoF employee eligible for the midyear salary increase? Subject to the exclusions listed in these FAQs, current faculty and academic professionals hired through October 1, 2022, are eligible. Any employees from these groups who have received a salary adjustment increase on or since October 2, 2022, totaling less than 2.5% will, upon review, have this increase elevated to the midyear salary increase, effective February 1, 2023. What kinds of ODoF employees are not eligible for the midyear salary increase? PostdocsVisiting facultyVisiting academic professionalsFaculty and academic professionals whose salaries are contractually fixed by external funding agenciesSenior scholarsCabinet officersFaculty who are appointed by October 1, 2022, but do not have a benefits-eligible appointment in the spring 2023 semester Will the midyear increase factor into the size of the merit pool for this year’s Dean of the Faculty salary review process? This midyear increase will be in addition to merit and other regular pools determined later this spring semester as part of the regular budget process for academic year 2023-24, and effective July 1, 2023. How did the University determine the 2.5% increase amount? The University assessed inflation, salary market movement, future expectations of inflation and salary market, and the increases distributed on July 1, 2022. The combination of these data points indicates that a midyear salary increase of 2.5%, plus the anticipated merit pool for July 1, 2023, will help offset the loss of salary position relative to the market during this highly unusual inflationary period. What date is used to calculate the 2.5% increase? The 2.5% increase is calculated on the salary effective on January 31, 2023. Why are certain employee groups not eligible for the midyear salary increase? The starting salaries of employees hired recently have already accounted for the current market and sustained inflation. Likewise, the compensation of certain other excluded groups is governed by separate review and adjustment mechanisms as necessary in relation to market position. When and where can I go to see the amount of my midyear salary increase? If you are eligible, you will receive a notification when your midyear salary increase letter is available, at which time you can view it in HR Self Service. Will my new salary (after the midyear increase) be used as a base for the calculation of my annual raise through the Dean of the Faculty reappointment and salary review processes? Yes, the updated salary (after the midyear increase) will be used as a base for the calculation of annual raises. If I am a researcher, how do I know my rank? Please go to https://www.princeton.edu/search/people-advanced and type in your name. Your rank will appear. If you were hired recently and are not yet appearing in the search, you may refer to your offer letter which will contain your rank. I have a primary research appointment and secondary teaching appointment. Will I get the 2.5% increase on both appointments? No, you will receive only the 2.5% increase on your primary appointment (if it is a rank eligible for the 2.5% increase.) I am a University employee whose salary is partially funded by grants. Will I receive the midyear salary increase? Yes, provided that you are on Princeton’s payroll and your rank is eligible for the 2.5% increase. I am a postdoc. Why am I not receiving the 2.5% increase? The compensation of postdocs is governed by separate review and adjustment mechanisms as necessary in relation to market position. For more detailed FAQs related to postdocs, please go to https://postdocs.princeton.edu/postdoc-faqs. I am a postdoc who is earning more than $65,000. Am I eligible for the 2.5% midyear increase? No. The compensation of postdocs is governed by separate review and adjustment mechanisms as necessary in relation to market position. For more detailed FAQs related to postdocs, please go to https://postdocs.princeton.edu/postdoc-faqs. If I am a faculty member on partial-pay leave and have a “top up” from my department covering part of my salary, will I receive the salary increase? You will receive the salary increase that you would be due if you were paid a salary this spring semester, but the “top up” itself will remain unchanged. I am presently on unpaid leave (excluding the “Family and Medical Leave Act” leave). Will I receive a midyear salary increase? No, you will not receive the midyear increase because you are on unpaid leave but the 2.5% increase will be factored into the annual raise through the Dean of the Faculty reappointment and salary review processes. I am a lecturer who will teach in the Fall 2022 but not in Spring 2023. Will I receive a midyear salary increase? No, you will not receive the midyear increase because you do not have an active appointment in Spring 2023. Faculty Pay Schedules How are non-ladder faculty ranks impacted? Non-ladder faculty ranks continuing after their first academic year of appointment will receive their academic year salary over 12 months.Non-ladder faculty on a single term appointment will be paid over the period they earn:Fall term only appointments will receive 4.5 months of pay spread over 5 paychecks (September through January).Spring term only appointments will receive 4.5 months of pay spread over 5 paychecks (January through May).Note: All non-faculty ranks currently earning pay over 12 months will remain on the same schedule and are not impacted by these changes. Who is affected by the transition? All assistant professors, associate professors and full professors ("ladder faculty") will be impacted by the faculty pay schedule change and must select either a 9-, 10- or 12-month payment schedule.Newly-appointed or rehired ladder faculty in their first year will have the option to choose a 9-month schedule (September through May) or a 10-month schedule (September through June). After their first year, all three payment schedules will be available to choose. I am a new faculty member starting in September 2020. How will my paycheck be affected? Newly-appointed or rehired ladder faculty in their first year will have the option to choose a 9-month schedule (pay from September through May) or a 10-month schedule (pay from September through June). After their first year, all three pay schedules will be available to choose. How do I select my payment cycle? Faculty will be able to select their preferred schedule during the annual election period, simialr to the benefits process. On April 13, 2020, eligible faculty will receive an email notification that a new tile on their HR Self Service is available. To make a pay schedule election, please select the Faculty Pay Election tile. What happens if I do not select an option in time? Faculty who do not submit an election by May 8, 2020 will automatically default to the current 10-month schedule (September through June). Can I change my payment schedule after the election period ends? No. Due to IRS regulations, we cannot change payment schedules mid-year. You must wait until the next annual election process to make any changes. I want to sign up for the Princeton Mortgage Program this year. How will I be impacted? Future mortgages in the Princeton mortgage program will be written with a 12-month amortization schedule and mortgage holders will pay through salary deduction over 12 months.New participants who choose a 9- or 10-month pay schedule will receive an invoice any month they do not receive payment from the University (i.e. summer months). How will this impact my current mortgage deductions? For those faculty who participate in the Princeton mortgage program, all current mortgage are written with 10-month amortization schedules and mortgage holders pay through salary deduction over 10 months from September through June.Current participants who choose a 9-month pay schedule will be contacted separately for the June payment, unless they receive summer salary (in which case it will be taken out through payroll deduction).Current participants who choose a 12-month pay schedule will continue to have their mortgage deducted through payroll deduction from September through June. Whom may I contact if I have questions on the Princeton Mortgage Program? For questions related to the Princeton Mortgage Program, please contact Dede Nissen by email at [email protected] or by phone at (609) 258-3123. Will there be any changes to the University rental housing deductions? Rental contracts are written from the date of occupancy through the following June and payments will continue to be collected monthly, preferably through payroll deduction.Faculty who choose a 9- or 10-month schedule will be required to mail a check or pay online for any month they do not receive a paycheck from the University (i.e. summer months). An email will be sent as a reminder. Additional information can be found on the F&T website here. Why are pay schedules changing? Changes to faculty pay schedules will take effect starting July 1, 2020 as part of the deployment of Princeton University's new academic calendar. More information on calendar reform can be found online at https://calendarreform.princeton.edu/. What are the pay schedule changes? Beginning July 1, 2020, eligible faculty on an academic year appointment (9 months) will have the option to receive their pay over a 9-, 10-, or 12-month schedule.- Faculty selecting a 9-month schedule will receive their academic year salary over 9 months (September through May). No payments during June, July and August.- Faculty selecting a 10-month schedule will receive their academic year salary over 10 months (September through June). No payments during July and August.- Faculty selecting a 12-month schedule will receive their academic year salary over 12 months (July through June). Will my salary be reduced? No. This transition will not result in a salary reduction for any employee. Paychecks are simply moved to either a 9-, 10-, or 12-month schedule. How will I benefit from the change? By providing these options, faculty can select the best pay schedule for their needs. Faculty who do not earn summer salary may benefit from the 12-month schedule as it eliminates a pay gap during the summer and provides regular cash flow, making it easier for personal budgeting. Faculty who do receive summer salary may find the 9- or 10-month schedule more appealing as it provides a smoother cash flow throughout the year.The changes also bring Princeton more in line with our peer institutions who either follow a 12-month pay schedule or give similar options to choose. Whom may I contact with questions? For general inquiries, please contact the Office of the Dean of the Faculty at [email protected]. I am taking a Leave of Absence for one semester. Will this affect my pay schedule? No, a Leave of Absence will not affect your pay schedule. Do the new pay schedules impact start dates for new hires? The default start date for all new hires will remain September 1. What happens if I am on a 12-month schedue, but leave the University prior to the end of June? Faculty who retire or resign at the end of the academic year will receive a balloon payment at the end of May which will include both their May and June payments.If a faculty member should leave the University in the fall, they will be expected to repay the University for any money received, but not yet earned. Am I still eligible for summer salary? Yes. These changes to the faculty pay schedule will not impact summer salary. Eligible faculty will have the ability to earn summer salary regardless of whether they opt to receive their pay over 9, 10 or 12 months. Faculty who select the 10- or 12-month schedule will receive their summer salary payment in addition to their monthly FTE pay. Salary Review Process How can I get copies of the following Registrar reports: Course Evaluation Summary Graduate Supervision Report, Senior Thesis and JIW Supervision Report? To access these reports follow these instructions:Log onto the information warehouseFrom the left-hand menu navigation, select Team Content > Teaching and Advising Reports. Note: Be sure to select Teaching and Advising Reports folder, identified a folder icon.Once inside the Teaching and Advising Reports folder, you will see a folder for your department/program. Click on your department’s folder.Click on the Instructor Dashboard (RV) link that appears in your department’s folder. The report will run and display a list of active faculty/instructors for your department, with links to their individual results for the reports listed above.For questions about these reports, please contact the Office of the Registrar: [email protected]. I am locked out of the Salary Review site. What happened and how do I unlock the page? This typically happens when a user closes their browser window without first clicking the LOGOUT button. When this happens, all users in the department will be locked out of the site for 1 hour. To unlock the worksheet, the user who locked it can log into SRP, select the appropriate worksheet on the left side of the screen, and click Select. From the departmental worksheet, click LOGOUT or CANCEL at the bottom of the page to unlock the worksheet.Note: If 1 hour has passed since a worksheet was locked, it can be unlocked by anyone who has access; in that case, however, all unsaved data will be lost. How do I submit supporting documents to the Dean of the Faculty? All supporting documents should be submitted via the SRP website. A faculty member submitted their CV but did not submit the separate bibliography. Can I include the CV with their packet instead of the bibliography? No. The C/3 and C/9 review all faculty salary packets over an extremely condensed period of time therefore the information provided must be uniform and consistent across all departments and should include only the time period requested for the bibliography. How do I know if my department is slated for a full or abbreviated review? Typically issued in December, the Numbered Memo titled: Salary Review Process will include information about which review your department will be required to complete during the review process. In general, those departments that submitted a full request last year will submit an abbreviated request this year. The memo can be found on the SRP website. After you log in and choose your department you can find it on the left side of the screen. I need to make an adjustment to the promotion list and add or remove someone from the list. Will this impact my department pools? Yes. Please contact Hema Suri or Rae Anne Romero-Litwin as soon as possible to obtain the new pool amount. Is there a special pool for Assistant Professors? No. The special pool is for tenured faculty only. An Assistant Professor in my department was recently reappointed for a second term. Do I need to include anything for this faculty member? Yes. Include the bibliography. We have a new faculty member joining the department on February 1st. What information should be included with their packet? You should include as much of the same information as is required for all faculty members. The new faculty member should provide a bibliography for the same period for scholarly activity completed prior to their arrival at Princeton. My department generates teaching and advising data separate from the Registrar data. Can we submit this information in place of the Registrar data? We prefer to use the data that we receive from Registrar. There are two main reasons for this: (1) the Registrar data is the official data of record for University teaching and advising; and (2) using the data that is provided by the Registrar aides the C/3 and C/9 with reviewing the documentation by providing a common format across all departments. If the Registrar data does not reflect the full teaching and advising picture of a faculty member, you may attach supplemental data that demonstrates the remainder. Please remember that C/3 and C/9 will be reviewing a significant amount of write-ups and data in a very short period of time. Brevity is appreciated. That said; you should include as much data for the period requested that efficiently and effectively communicates the faculty member’s performance and contribution to the department. What order should the faculty be listed in the cover memo matrix and paragraphs following the matrix? In both sections, faculty should be listed in overall ranking order from highest to lowest. What information needs to be included in the cover memos? A separate cover memo should be included for each distinct pool. This means one cover memo for each of the following: tenured faculty (full and associate professors), non-tenured faculty (assistant professors), and advanced lecturer ranks (senior lecturers, university lecturers, and professors of the practice). Separate memos should be included for nominations to the special and equity pools.For a full review each memo consists of three parts: a written summary of departmental performance in the areas of research, teaching, and service; a matrix; and individual paragraphs for ALL faculty members in order of overall ranking from highest to lowest. For an abbreviated review, the memos follow the same format as the full review. The tenured faculty memo in this case, however, does not need to include individual paragraphs for full professors. What ranking scale should be used? Please grade the scholarly performance, teaching, and service of all faculty members using a 5-point scale, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. This scale should be used consistently throughout the cover memo. The period of review should be the same as the period requested for the bibliography. What information do I submit for my chair and members of the C/3? Submit the same information requested for similarly ranked faculty members in your department. Include the bibliography and activities with other departments or programs. Where can I find my department’s pool allocations, five year salary history and list of joint appointees? Posted on the left side of your department’s worksheet on the SRP website you will find Department Support Files. Pool allocations for each rank will be displayed on your worksheet in the SRP website. As you enter department pool amounts on your worksheet, a declining balance will calculate at the top for each separate pool. Pool amounts may not be transferred among the groupings. I have several faculty members who are jointly appointed. What information must be included with the individual faculty member’s packet? The joint department chair or director submits a letter or one paragraph write-up for each joint appointee that outlines the faculty member’s contribution to the joint department. If there are several joint appointments from the same home department, the joint department chair or director should rank the faculty members using a standard ranking system determined by the chair or director and include this rationale with the letter to the home department chair. Specific salaries and pool allocations should be managed and determined by the home department using the write up provided by the joint department. Can the F3 forms be automatically generated? Yes. Using the Salary Review Process (SRP) website, the forms will be automatically created and submitted to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. The Department Chair must click on Submit after the departmental worksheet is finalized. This will be accepted as the Chair's electronic signature. iThenticate FAQsPlease visit the iThenticate FAQs webpage for faculty and academic professionals or for graduate students.