Sponsorships by academic units of events featuring external speakers may be interpreted as institutional or official communication, even though the University’s provision of resources for organizing programs does not constitute an institutional endorsement of the specific speakers or views expressed. University entities are given wide latitude to organize programs, invite external speakers, request or allocate funding, and reserve space on campus in accordance with their missions and with the University’s commitment to “free and open inquiry in all matters” (Rights, Rules, Responsibilities, 1.1.3). Since sponsorship may be interpreted as institutional speech, academic units are encouraged to take steps to clarify affirmatively that sponsorship of an event does not constitute departmental or institutional endorsement of external speakers or views presented. Such clarification can be achieved through disclaimers in posters, advertisements, and social media posts that feature a sponsorship message, such as a departmental logo.The following language may be used, but is not required, as a disclaimer in any promotional material for an event:“Sponsorship does not equal endorsement.”“Sponsorship of an event does not constitute institutional endorsement of external speakers or views presented.”