B. Research Supported by Outside Funds

       Although the research funds mentioned in Section VIII.A. continue to be of great importance to the University in a variety of ways, the major expenditures for research now come from current funds supplied by foundations, industries, or government agencies through grants or contracts. The Dean for Research oversees the solicitation and administration of external funds through the Office of Research and Project Administration and the Office of Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations.

       The Office of Research and Project Administration provides central administration services for all sponsored research projects, including proposal reviews and submission, grant and contract negotiations, issuing of awards, and sponsored research award management and maintenance. The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations provides central support for developing and stewarding proposals for research funding and gifts from corporations and private foundations.

       A general policy statement of the criteria to be considered in accepting grants or contracts for research and the procedure to be followed in obtaining such grants or contracts was approved by the President on 26 April 1960, and later communicated to, and approved by, the Faculty. Since that time the procedure has been amended in several respects; the statement as amended is reproduced in full as follows: