2. Meetings Print this section a. The President, when present, shall preside at meetings of the Faculty. In the President’s absence, the Provost shall preside.b. The Clerk of the Faculty is a member of the Faculty elected by vote of the Faculty and continues in office at the pleasure of the Faculty. It is the Clerk’s duty to keep the minutes of all meetings, to give notification to the Faculty of special meetings and of important matters proposed for action at any meeting, and to perform the duties appropriate to the recording secretary of a deliberative body. The Clerk also serves as Secretary of the Committee on Committees.c. Meetings of the Faculty shall normally be open for attendance as observers to representatives of the campus press, to members of the Executive Committee of the Undergraduate Student Government, to members of the Executive Committee of the Graduate Student Government, to members of the Council of the Princeton University Community, to Officers of the Corporation, and to the Associate and Assistant Deans of the Faculty, of the Graduate School, of the College and of Student Life. Observers shall not attempt by word or deed to influence the proceedings. Meetings may be broadcast on campus radio, subject to the conditions of confidentiality specified below. Members of University or Faculty committees, who have been invited to appear in connection with a committee report, and other guests who have been invited by the President shall normally be free to remain during the whole session to which they have been invited. All in attendance shall be bound to preserve the confidentiality of any portion of a meeting that has been designated confidential by a motion to that effect, duly approved; and any session may be declared closed to observers, in whole or in part, on the vote of a two thirds majority of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy or on the request of one-third of the members of the Faculty present and voting.d. Actions taken when the Faculty meets in executive session are to be held as confidential until released by the appropriate authority; and a member of the Faculty participating in a meeting held in executive session may assume that his or her utterances and votes will not be revealed to anyone outside the membership of the Faculty.e. Minutes of meetings of the Faculty and committees thereof are closed for a period of twenty-five years. Exceptions may be made only with the prior approval of the Dean of the Faculty. However, summaries of minutes of Faculty meetings held after 12 May 1970, prepared by the Clerk of the Faculty, are available.f. The University Faculty meets regularly during the academic year. The first meeting is on the Monday following Labor Day in September, and subsequent meetings are scheduled for the first Monday of every month during the academic year with the following exceptions: (i) if a meeting falls in recess, then the Faculty meets on the first Monday after the recess; (ii) unless the Faculty votes otherwise at its September and December meetings, no regular meeting is held in October or January, respectively; (iii) the May meeting will be held in late April, and the June meeting will be held in May. The regular hour of meeting is 4:30 p.m. and the regular location is the Faculty Room in Nassau Hall, but the presiding officer, in consultation with the Clerk of the Faculty, may call the meeting for any hour and location which in their judgment seems desirable.g. The President of the University, or in the President’s absence the Provost, may call a special meeting of the Faculty at his or her discretion. The President, or in the President's absence the Provost, shall call a special meeting on the request of a committee or of any six members of the Faculty. The call for a special meeting shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called. It is understood that special meetings shall ordinarily be set for Monday.h. All important proposals should be delivered to the Clerk not later than noon on the second Wednesday preceding the meeting at which they shall be introduced, and the Clerk shall normally cause such proposals to be distributed to the members of the Faculty, to be made public and placed on file, and to be placed in the Order of Business for that meeting, provided that no such proposal offered by an individual member shall be so treated unless it is seconded by another member.i. A quorum at a Faculty meeting shall be five per cent of the voting members. By long standing practice a member of the Faculty must be present in order to cast a vote.j. Normally, no major calendar proposal shall be acted on by the Faculty unless it shall have been presented at a preceding Faculty meeting.k. The parliamentary procedure at meetings of the Faculty is that of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, with the following modifications: To Section 47. Reports of committees containing matters which should be of record shall be in writing. Unless otherwise ordered, these reports shall be placed on file, and only the recommendations in them which are adopted shall be recorded in the minutes. To Section 51, subsection of Informal Consideration. All debate in meetings of the Faculty shall be conducted under the rules for Informal Consideration, unless the Faculty by a simple majority vote decides otherwise for a given main motion and its associated amendments. To Section 36. A motion to reconsider may be moved at the meeting in which the original vote was taken, or at the next meeting, by anyone present when the vote was taken who did not vote in the minority. To Section 42. The presiding officer shall have the same right to debate as other members, and need not yield the chair while speaking. To Sections 4 and 42. The maker of a motion shall be permitted to close the debate on that motion even after the previous question has been voted.l. The Faculty shall consider a second vote on any action taken on a proposal regarding the undergraduate curriculum when a second vote has been requested by the Caucus of the Undergraduate Student Government. In any particular academic year, the Faculty commits itself to a second vote on any action on a proposal regarding the undergraduate curriculum when, within thirty days exclusive of vacations after such action, a second vote has been requested by a two-thirds majority of the Caucus of the Undergraduate Student Government. In requesting reconsideration, the Caucus of the Undergraduate Student Government shall normally ask that the Faculty Committee on the Course of Study, meeting jointly with the Academic Committee of the Caucus of the Undergraduate Student Government, review their proposal. The Faculty would then reconsider its original action and any amendments or alternative proposals recommended. The Undergraduate Student Government may also return the proposal directly to the Faculty which may reconsider the proposal immediately or may request review of the proposal by the Committee on the Course of Study prior to reconsideration. If the action to be reconsidered is on a proposal that the Faculty has rejected, a majority vote of the Faculty shall reverse the previous decision. If the action to be reconsidered is on a proposal that has been adopted by the Faculty, a two-thirds vote of the Faculty shall be necessary to affirm the previous decision. The Faculty shall not be requested to reconsider the same action more than once in any academic year. Table of Contents Preface Disclaimer Nondiscrimination Statement Chapter I: The Calendar Chapter II: Governance Submenu A. The Board of Trustees Submenu 1. Membership 2. Meetings 3. Statement of Policy on Delegation of Authority 4. Recommendations of the Faculty on the Selection of the President B. The Officers of the University C. The Faculty Submenu 1. Membership 2. Meetings D. Faculty Committees Submenu 1. General Observations 2. Individual Committees Submenu a. Committee on Committees b. Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements c. Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements in the Lecturer Ranks d. Faculty Advisory Committee on Diversity e. Faculty Advisory Committee on Policy f. Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal g. Committee on the Course of Study h. Committee on Discipline i. Committee on Examinations and Standing j. Committee on the Graduate School k. Policy Committee on Athletics and Campus Recreation l. Committee on Public Lectures m. Committee on Classrooms and Schedule n. Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid o. University Student Life Committee p. Council of College Heads q. University Research Board r. Council on Teaching and Learning 3. Election Procedures Chapter III: Academic Structure of the University Submenu A. Academic Divisions B. Academic Units C. Academic Councils D. Advisory Councils Chapter IV: The Faculty Submenu A. Appointment and Advancement of Professors B. Appointment and Advancement of Associate Professors C. Appointment and Advancement of Assistant Professors D. Appointment and Advancement of University Lecturers E. Appointment and Advancement of Professors of the Practice F. Appointment and Advancement of Senior Lecturers G. Appointment and Advancement of Lecturers H. Appointment and Advancement of Instructors I. General Observations J. Affirmative Action K. Compensation and Service Arrangements Submenu 1. Arrangements for Payment of Salary 2. Summer Employment 3. Relation of Compensation to Duty Assignment L. Leaves of Absence Submenu 1. Absence During Term Time 2. Leaves for Scholarship 3. Leaves without Pay (Including Leaves for Personal Reasons) 4. Outside Activities During Leaves of Absence M. Outside Professional Activities N. Retirement O. Separation as a Result of Disability P. Disciplinary Action Submenu 1. Grounds for Involuntary Suspension, Dismissal, or Other Disciplinary Action for Cause 2. Procedures for Disciplinary Actions Other than Suspension or Dismissal 3. Procedures for Suspension and Dismissal 4. Academic Status and Privileges Chapter V: Rules and Policies Submenu A. Tutoring B. Nepotism C. Consensual Relations with Students Submenu 1. Prohibition of Consensual Relations with Students 2. Prohibition of Consensual Relations with Individuals Under One’s Supervision 3. Relationships and Conflict of Interest 4. Preexisting Relationships 5. Disciplinary Consequences of Violations 6. Prudential Considerations in Circumstances Involving Power Disparities 7. Complaints D. Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct E. Use of University Identification F. Confidentiality Submenu 1. Confidentiality in Appointment and Advancement Processes 2. Confidentiality of Student and Alumni Records G. Misconduct in Research H. Campus Disruptions I. Classroom Learning Environment J. Conflicts of Interest in Research Chapter VI: Conduct of Undergraduate Courses of Study Submenu A. Undergraduate Course Mechanics Submenu 1. Course Enrollments 2. Meetings of Courses 3. Student Obligations to Courses 4. Term Tests and Midterm Grades B. Term Papers, Examinations, and Final Grades in Undergraduate Courses Submenu 1. General Considerations 2. Preparation of Final Examinations 3. Conduct of Final Examinations 4. The Honor System 5. Determination of Final Course Grades 6. Reporting of Final Course Grades 7. Rescheduling of Final Examinations 8. Academic Warning C. Departmental Concentration Submenu 1. A.B. Candidates 2. A.B. and B.S.E. Candidates D. Procedures for Setting Policy Chapter VII: Conduct of Graduate Courses of Study Submenu A. Procedures for Setting Policy Chapter VIII: Conduct of Research Submenu A. University Research Funds Submenu 1. University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2. Engineering Research Funds B. Research Supported by Outside Funds Submenu 1. Policies for Sponsored Research 2. Obligations of Sponsored Research 3. Administration and Procedures 4. Criteria Applicable to Sponsored Research 5. Procedures for Reviewing Individual Projects and Departmentally Sponsored Research Programs C. Committees Governing Research Submenu 1. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 2. Institutional Biosafety Committee 3. Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects 4. Radiation Safety Committee 5. Human Remains Oversight Board D. Intellectual Property Submenu 1. Guiding Principle 2. Patent Policy 3. Copyright Policy E. Classified Research Appendix A: The Council of the Princeton University Community Submenu Resolutions of the Faculty Relating to the Establishment of the Council of the Princeton University Community The Council of the Princeton University Community Charter Appendix B: Corporate Officers Appendix C: Guidelines for the Conduct of Inquiries by the Committee on Conference and Faculty Appeal Rules & Procedures for the Faculty Updates for 2024