B. Appointment and Advancement of Associate Professors

1.    All proposals for appointment, reappointment, or advancement in rank or salary of Associate Professors shall be made in writing by the Chair of the department concerned and sent to the Dean of the Faculty for transmission to the President. They shall normally be made only after formal consultation (a formal vote taken at a meeting) with those Professors having full or joint appointments in the department. Associate Professors shall also be consulted with regard to the appointment of Associate Professors. In cases of joint appointment, action is taken in each of the departments involved.

       These proposals shall be presented by the President to the Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements. After consultation with this Committee, the President recommends to the Board of Trustees such action as he or she may deem proper.

2.    The first appointment to the Faculty in the rank of Associate Professor may be for a term of up to three years. The service of the appointee shall then terminate unless he or she is reappointed. Departments shall recommend action in such cases not later than December first of the final year of the appointment. In an exceptional case, the appointee may be reappointed for one year only; otherwise reappointment is without express limitation as to term (i.e., with continuing tenure).

       Departments may recommend that the initial appointment of an Associate Professor be without express limitation as to term (i.e., with continuing tenure). Associate Professors who are promoted to that rank hold appointment without express limitation as to term (i.e., with continuing tenure).

3.    Proved abilities as a scholar and teacher shall be essential qualifications for recommendation of appointment as Associate Professor; qualifications for making other contributions to the welfare of the University shall also be taken into account in making any such recommendation.

4.    In judging and recommending any Associate Professor for advancement in rank or salary, or for reappointment, departments shall make the quality of scholarship and teaching primary considerations and service to the University community an important consideration.